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  • If you think that anthropology is limited to the study of stones and old bones, think again!  Though anthropology does look at stones and bones, it also examines the politics, medicine, kinship,

    people that we gain the full picture of what it really is to be human. Anthropology tries to bring the world’s peoples into human focus. Anthropologists do not come up with a theory and see if people live up to it. They go and live with people and see what they do. Quick Links My Academic Pathway Anthro Club Catalog Course ListingPLU Anthropology Department Statement Against RacismPLU professor, local archaeologist team up with studentsRead more“This is the sort of opportunity that can only come from

    Professor Bradford Andrews, Chair
    Xavier Hall, Room 142 12180 Park Ave S Tacoma WA 98447
  • The curriculum prepares students to pursue careers in research and the health sciences or to apply their biology interests to careers as diverse as science education and public health.

    Studying biology teaches you how to think and how to observe your world.To learn biology is more than just learning facts! It’s learning how to answer questions, how to develop strategies to obtain answers and how to recognize the answers as they emerge. The department is dedicated to encouraging students to learn science in both an intuitive and logical way.It encourages students to independently question, probe, experiment and experience the natural world around us as well as life under a

    Department of Biology
    Rieke Science Center, Room 159 Tacoma, WA 98447
  • The mission of the PLU Chemistry Department is to provide high quality educational programs for all students who study chemistry at PLU.

    U.N. advisory agency to simplify and interpret a dataset on Iraqi migration. Emily Struck ’23 reflects on her time at PLU, captivated by chemistry and research. "Honestly, I knew chemistry was right for me after taking organic chemistry and having a ton of fun with that." Welcome to the Chemistry Department! Are you interested in research, forensic science, developing new medicines, pursuing a career in health care, designing new materials for alternative energy technologies, studying the

    Department of Chemistry
    Rieke Science Center Tacoma, WA 98447
  • The Department of Economics offers the unique opportunity to participate in an economics alumni mentoring program for all majors to help you prepare for your life beyond PLU.

    Grad - Helen “Nellie” Moran '15 Colorado Senate Majority Leader's Policy and Communications Advisor More Economics at PLU The Pacific Lutheran University Economics department equips students with expertise in economics and its applications in fields such as microeconomics, macroeconomics, development, trade, international and environmental economics. Are you interested in learning more about application of economics to real-world problems of policy and business? Our department offers the unique

    Professor Priscilla St Clair, Chair
    Xavier Hall, Room 153 12180 Park Ave S Tacoma, WA 98447-0003
  • The Pacific Lutheran University English department offers emphases in writing and literature, as well as minors in Children’s Literature and Culture and Publishing and Printing Arts.

    my time here at PLU. I truly believe in the power of the Humanities. The English Department has been incredibly flexible with me, and all of my professors have been absolutely fantastic. The chance to develop my skills as a poet and writer has been wonderful. If there’s a place that allows you to take on all the different parts of yourself, it’s PLU. Daniel Bensen (’24)

    Professor Jim Albrecht, Chair
    Hauge Administration Building Admin 207D 12180 Park Ave S Tacoma, WA 98447
  • History students at Pacific Lutheran University develop the skills needed to ask important questions, collect and evaluate evidence, work collaboratively with others, and offer clear and

    cultures, nations, institutions, value systems, and other major social phenomena. Quick Facts Welcome to PLU History!We’re glad that you stopped by. For department news and stories, check out our blog features and alumni updates. For more on what we offer in our major and minor, just keep reading. What do we do here? History students at Pacific Lutheran University develop the skills needed to ask important questions, collect and evaluate evidence, work collaboratively with others, and offer clear and

    Professor Rebekah Mergenthal, Chair
    Xavier Hall, Room 109 12180 Park Ave S Tacoma, WA 98447-0003
  • The PLU Department of Kinesiology (KINS) provides a rich variety of educational experiences that help students satisfy both General University Requirements (GURs), as well as pre-professional

    Kinesiology Colleen Hacker Listen Welcome the Department of Kinesiology!Thanks for taking time to visit our website. We hope the following information will be useful to you as you consider the next step in your education and pursuit of lifelong learning.Our FoundationAs noted in PLU’s Principles of General Education, the faculty and staff at PLU are committed “to nurturing the development of whole persons-in body, mind, and spirit.” In support of this commitment, the Department of Kinesiology (KINS

    Current Hours
    Monday: 8am - 4pm
    Tuesday: 8am - 4pm
    Wednesday: 8am - 4pm
    Thursday: 8am - 4pm
    Friday: 8am - 4pm
    Department of Kinesiology
    Olson Auditorium Building Room 101 Tacoma, WA 98447-0003
  • Many people think of mathematics as being an old subject whose rules were established by the Greeks, the Hindus, and by the mathematical heroes of the European Enlightenment – Newton, Leibniz and

    class uses interstellar travel as a lens to focus on issues here on Earth. Moving Math Forward Dr. Ksenija Simic-Muller and collaborators received an NSF grant to work on improving math and statistics education. Why Study Mathematics at PLU? The PLU Department of Mathematics offers a broad choice of educational and career goals. Mathematics at PLUMany people think of mathematics as being an old subject whose rules were established by the Greeks, the Hindus, and by the mathematical heroes of the

    Department of Mathematics
    Department of Mathematics Morken Center, Room 252 Tacoma, WA 98447-0003
  • In the Department of Philosophy undergraduate study is fundamental in pursuing the most important questions regarding one’s understanding of themselves, others and the world in which they

    PLU experience, especially in my philosophy classes.``More2016 Food SymposiumPLU's Philosophy Department, Arbaugh Family Endowment, Southwestern Washington Synod ELCA will hold a multi-day Food Symposium on the topic of food democracy.More

    Department of Philosophy
    Associate Professor Mike Schleeter, Chair of Philosophy Administration Building Room 222 F Tacoma, WA 98447-0003
  • The PLU Department of Physics offers bachelor of science and bachelor of arts degrees in physics, a bachelor of science degree in applied physics, and a bachelor of arts in education degree for

    search for quarks; they design new laser systems for applications in medicine and communications; they heat hydrogen gases to temperatures above those at the sun’s core in the attempt to develop nuclear fusion as an energy resource. From astrophysics to nuclear physics to optics and crystal structure, physics encompasses some of the most fundamental and exciting ideas ever considered. The Department of Physics offers bachelor of science and bachelor of arts degrees in physics, a bachelor of science

    Department of Physics
    Rieke Science Center Tacoma, WA 98447-0003